
Manipulation example: We propose to learn a holistic scene representation that encodes scene semantics as well as 3D and textural information. Our encoder-decoder framework learns disentangled representations for image reconstruction and 3D-aware image editing. For example, we can move cars to various locations with new 3D poses.


Framework overview: The de-renderer (encoder) consists of a semantic-, a textural- and a geometric branch. The textural renderer and geometric renderer then learn to reconstruct the original image from the representations obtained by the encoder modules.


Example user editing results on Virtual KITTI: (a) We move a car closer to the camera, keeping the same texture. (b) We can synthesize the same car with different 3D poses. The same texture code is used for different poses. (c) We modify the appearance of the input red car using new texture codes. Note that its geometry and pose stay the same. We can also change the environment by editing the background texture codes. (d) We can inpaint occluded regions and remove objects.


Example user editing results on Cityscapes: (a) We move two cars closer to the camera. (b) We rotate the car with different angles. (c) We recover a tiny and occluded car and move it closer. Our model can synthesize the occluded region as well as view the occluded car from the side. (d) We move a small car closer and then change its locations.


We aim to obtain an interpretable, expressive, and disentangled scene representation that contains comprehensive structural and textural information for each object. Previous scene representations learned by neural networks are often uninterpretable, limited to a single object, or lacking 3D knowledge. In this work, we propose 3D scene de-rendering networks (3D-SDN) to address the above issues by integrating disentangled representations for semantics, geometry, and appearance into a deep generative model. Our scene encoder performs inverse graphics, translating a scene into a structured object-wise representation. Our decoder has two components: a differentiable shape renderer and a neural texture generator. The disentanglement of semantics, geometry, and appearance supports 3D-aware scene manipulation, e.g., rotating and moving objects freely while keeping the consistent shape and texture, and changing the object appearance without affecting its shape. Experiments demonstrate that our editing scheme based on 3D-SDN is superior to its 2D counterpart.